This series based on the Miss Fanny’s Victorian Party House investigation by my team, IndyPara and Poughkeepsie Paranormal Investigators, has become a bit of an experiment. I’m refining the use of photographs in the cartoons. Because of that, I’ve been spending WAY too much time on them, making them late to load. So, the daily thing gets dicey.

Alas, I strongly wish with all my heart I could make a good living doing comics and therefore, justify the time I spend on them. I am also loading up for the launch of the IndyPara website. I have to load content, then rearrange it. After that, you will have somewhere ELSE to go besides here! HA!

Feel free to comment on the photo comics. They are quite unique, fun to do, and richer in content due to the photos themselves.

Ironically, being finished with my masters degree has not lessened my workload much… Go figure?!

Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts, Read Comics!
