Yes, it is true! I’m resurrecting Entities-R-Us.
This will be a bit of a revamp. I want to approach the ‘toon in a new way. My journey has taken me down some amazing paths, forging new trails, digesting experiences I never dreamed of. While it all sounds amazing, it’s also rather simple.
Taking an extended break from cartooning allowed for a fair amount of reflection. How does the comic serve the audience, a.k.a. you guys? How does it serve me as an artist/author? Much of my dissatisfaction has grown from putting out a lot of effort with little return. One becomes tapped out when there is no income. I hope to remedy that.
This comic will not be a daily anymore. That was too much work for me. I have a ton more options going on these days. I have to put the attention where I can generate return. I also want to branch out the topic a bit. Entities covers a wide ground, so it is my desire to tap that. This comic will also serve the audience. This is for you. I hope it helps you grow, expand, and laugh out loud.
I intend it to be a respite from the insanity brewing in our world today. While I’ll approach some of the topics, it is designed to lighten the load with laughter.
We all need a fresh hot batch of good cheer!
So, that being said…
Terri J. Garofalo – Cartoonist At Large
Hey folks,
It’s been quite a space of time since I’ve added anything Entities wise. I apologize for this. I have been cleaning house, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This include all my modes of expression. The truth being, I’ve needed some months off to evaluate everything. Nothing is wrong, it’s just in transition.
Part of what I am doing is questioning what I need to do with Entities-R-Us. There should be more books. There should be a change in how this comic thing is done… at least for me anyway.
My views on the paranormal have shifted. I’m becoming more aware of the other realms, so I am processing this as well. It will be an interesting journey to share.
You an read the archives if you like. The first book is still available on Create Space or Amazon.
As I emerge from all this, you will see many new things!
So, keep waiting with baited breath.
Back at ya soon!
Many of you have noticed the comic slowdown. I have not been drawing as frequently. I’m not sure why this is. I suspect a shift is happening. Since haven’t moved through the energy, I don’t know what this means or where it’s going! So, be patient.
Over the 2014 year, I’ve experienced dynamic shifts in energy. It has caused me to change jobs, focus, and basically, how I move about in the world. It has had an impact on how I see
the Earth, universe, paranormal, etc.
My journey has been like peeling an onion… layer by layer. You never run out of layers. This has all had an impact on my ability to focus on things I used to devote time too. One of these is comics. I’m wondering if I will be changing things up in that arena.
I will continue to put out comics, but not a frequently as you can guess. It will cause you to salivate more for the next Entities cartoon, I suppose. So, I will relent and toss you the comic bone.
Over the holidays, I will be scarce. I’m sure you’re busy too. I will drop a comic here and there though.
So, enjoy!
Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts and dig through the Enttiies-R-Us archives!
It took me long enuff, but I finally drew a name out of the box after the Wappingers Falls Halloween Parade, Entities-R-Us Guest Draw Raffle!
Julia Drahos of Wappingers Falls is the official winner!
She will become a character in an Entities-R-Us cartoon, which will appear here. She will also receive a signed print.
Now I must begin drawing…
FYI, Julia is the owner of Miss Fanny’s Victorian Party House, a top haunted location in Dutchess County. So, this is a fitting draw for me.
She should be easy to draw since I already have a photo, courtesy of my parade shutterbugging.
Now it’s time to surprise her on Facebook…
Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts, Read Comics!
Finally, you will know why I’ve been lax in the comic dept. I’ve been involved in this parade… plus a whole host of other commitments. Yes, I am putting a moratorium on any events, favors, or time sucks. This will allow me to dig into my books, as well as do some drawing.
As you can see, the parade was a success. Thanks to the efforts and inspirations of Donna Davies and Donna Parish-Bischoff, it was a great time had by all. Even Thor marched, though I did not get a photo of him. Enjoy the picts! If I get my books done, I’ll join in next year… otherwise, I’ll be nosin’ the the grindstone!
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