Recently, I joined the TAPS – The Atlantic Paranormal Society – Forum for some quality ghost banter. I submitted the Smalley’s evidence of the 3 consecutive photos on the evidence page.

I had some very interesting takes on it. A couple folks were convinced I had covered the flash with my finger. One of them swore they could see finger prints on the image. This inspired me to examine my camera carefully.

Already, I knew I was using the camera, one-handed, in my right hand. The strap was accounted for. The lens cap was accounted for. I took my camera and tried every conceivable contortion to reach around and block the flash or the focus beam. I have short little fingers (good reason never to become a pianist in this lifetime). I also noticed my flash is on the LEFT side of the camera and, therefore, WAY too far away to reach it with my finger stubs.

So, short of some major camera malfunction, I still have no idea what that image was… However, I know more about my camera and any other sorts of possible misfires it could or could not create. This goes to show how important it is to rule out any sorts of natural phenomena when collecting paranormal evidence.

I’m left with these strange photos… They aren’t normal, so are they paranormal?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Eat Cookies, Think Too Much and Hunt Ghosts,