Is it a paranormal event to be scratched?
All I can say is, it hasn’t happened to me -Â yet. I’ve had a psychic warn me not to hang out at a location because it was likely that I would be scratched. Sadly, I retreated since everyone else did. Sometimes I wish I had hung out and received my “just” reward. Which is what Wednesday’s cartoon is about. Arno, of course, would dive right in.
Some of the investigators I hunt with had their cars scratched at a certain cemetery. I guess if spirits can mark humans, why not cars? That might explain a lot of incidents of “keying” at local malls… energies of deceased mall rats running amok.
On an interesting note, a well known psychic said that ghosts cannot scratch you. It’s you’re own belief that makes that phenomenon appear. I’m inclined to subscribe to that theory. It hasn’t happened to me. I have felt pressure and sensation from spirits, but never has the skin been broken.
I will keep an open mind. If, on a future investigation, I wind up with some serious war wounds, you’ll be the first to know! Won’t that be an interesting blog topic, eh?!
Meanwhile, safety first – beware of ghosts with switchblades.
Thanks for the neat paranormal links.I’ve seen the paranormal U .on tv but that was the best episode …”the devil’s nest”…
I never liked to think or believe in the devi as that could get a person in touch with it..which means I do believe but don’t want to talk about it!crazy but haven’t changed my mind since I was very young.
I have had some experiences and the most were around Hartford where my first relatives to come to this land lived after a couple of yrs.inj the bay colony they moved to windsor and weathersfield and hartford area. My daughter and fiance did their albany med. residency in this area and lived in rocky hill..a “suburb” of weathersfield. My first grandmother was accused as a witch, Lydia Gilbert and I wanted to visit the main spots of the story on the last weekend before they moved. It was an incredible weekend and has lasted. I guess it could give you info for a cartoon but I planned to write a book.Jus procrastinated since so much got involved with it and so hard to get more info. from the 1600’s but when i do…and figure something new out..well, I just can’t describe it.
After they moved my daughter,Anya, came back to help me gather more info in the town of weathersfield old library of info. I was caught up in various ways and grandmother or her niece who was also accused but got away…..and will need to try to do this someday.My daughter seems to have some ability given her as well. They next got jobs in Danvers, Mass. and then found out it used to have another name…Salem Village.
Glad to be of help. You should write your book. It’s important for all of us to tell out stories.