Why is she so mean, anyway? I mean, really! Does she have the blood of Jack-the-Ripper flowing through her veins? Or is she secretly in love with him,and simply can’t get him to notice her in any other way?
Hmmm. do Ghosts do music? Would Mummies do “Wrap” music? 🙂
Vera is very complex… even I don’t understand her. Though she might secretly be fond of Merv. Doubt she’d admit it and if you try to get her to, you may pay dearly for it.
Hmmm. Sounds like a plan. Someone (Maybe a guest draw?) spies on Vera to learn what makes her tick. Maybe someone sets up a “bug” or camera in her place, and finds something surprising. Like, maybe she’s related to Casper? LOL
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Why is she so mean, anyway? I mean, really! Does she have the blood of Jack-the-Ripper flowing through her veins? Or is she secretly in love with him,and simply can’t get him to notice her in any other way?
Hmmm. do Ghosts do music? Would Mummies do “Wrap” music? 🙂
Vera is very complex… even I don’t understand her. Though she might secretly be fond of Merv. Doubt she’d admit it and if you try to get her to, you may pay dearly for it.
🙂 Tj
Hmmm. Sounds like a plan. Someone (Maybe a guest draw?) spies on Vera to learn what makes her tick. Maybe someone sets up a “bug” or camera in her place, and finds something surprising. Like, maybe she’s related to Casper? LOL