I may have chatted this up already… However, it’s worth a shot at again as the topic floats before my eyes periodically.
Inspiration can come in many forms, from many sources. I was able to witness this in action the other day while being bombarded by unexpected trick or treaters. We did not get ANY last year. This year there were loads. We got rid of the coffee candies in the bowl on the breakfront, the change in the bin… etc.
I was reluctant to buy candy for two reasons… One I didn’t want to get stuck eating it after I worked so hard to clean up my diet and be healthy; two I was questioning handing out crap to kids who probably don’t need all that sugar and high fructose poison.
BAM! An idea slotted into my cranial filing system… What about giving out mini comics? Brilliant! It’s a great way to spread the comic around. Kids like it. AND, there is NO high fructose anything! …A healthy alternative!
After doing some figuring for cost and feasibility, I posted the idea on Twitter… Of course I got a good response. Folks wanted ’em. Then someone dropped in the idea of the old comics in Cracker Jacks! Now I was reeling… Talk about inspiring. How can I apply this? I couldn’t wait to get back to my main computer to google around…
I just enjoy this process so much… The development of ideas is so organic, so exciting! You never know where it leads or who will add to the mix!
Stay tuned! You may be able to buy a bag of Entities-R-Us for next Halloween… It will be recommended by your dentist for sure!
I will be switching the Guest Draw Cafe Press store again soon… So, it you are fans of the Steve and Tango Guest Draw, put your order in this week! I will switch off to Zak Bagans Cartoon Hole Portal to Hell Guest Draw. (Request by Zak fans of course).
Order today! http://www.cafepress.com/ERUGuestDraw
Other Entities products: http://www.cafepress.com/EntitiesRUs
There are Calendars available in the Guest Draw store and Entities store.
If you want the book – Entities-R-Us, Ghost Hunter Comic – Paranormal Humor for the Ghost Hunter’s Soul ORDER THAT SOON TO AVOID THE RUSH!
Order Today! https://www.createspace.com/3434644
I will be adding to the mix soon. Working on new T-shirts, etc… AND, paranormal Christmas cards!
Busy, Busy, Busy… I feel like an Elf! 😮
This also fits with Neil Gaiman’s “AllHallowsread” campaign, and I wholeheartedly support it! (I wonder if he would be up for an appearance in these comics?)
Pretty soon I’ll get requests to use my cartoons for political party… Which may mean there a “paranormal party” will form eventually! LOL