I will be fleshing out the details over the next few days. I’m hoping to get through a chunk of the Music Hall investigation evidence and perhaps have something for you all. Meanwhile, here’s some picts!

Queen City Paracon VIPs: (Back row, left to right) Rich Scanlon, Brad Klinge, Barry Klinge, Jeff Belanger. (Bottom row, left to right): Carl Johnson, Dena Palazini, Terri Garofalo, Jake Cunninham, Aaron Houdini, Syd Shultz.
Rich Scanlon and Jake Cunninham are from Everyday Paranormal Kentucky. They are responsible for getting this event off the ground – cool guys and excellent paranormal investigators.
Brad and Barry Klinge are of course the ringleaders behind Everyday Paranormal and their Discovery Channel TV series, Ghost Lab.
Carl Johnson is a demonologist appearing in SyFy’s Ghost Hunters series. He also has appeared on Animal Planet’s Haunting. He was a long time TAPS member and now is off with his own group along with his sidekick Dena Palazini (who is a heck of a lot of fun!).
Jeff Belanger is an author and journalist for paranormal interests. He is the brains behind Ghostvillage.com where people can go and share their experiences and get information about what’s been haunting them. http://www.ghostvillage.com Jeff is HYSTERICAL… a paranormaller’s Jim Carey.
Terri J. Garofalo is me… I write and draw the comic strip Entities-R-Us, which you probably know about because you are here. If you didn’t realized that, you probably suffer from acute tunnel vision.
Aaron Houdini is a magician who performs many of the tricks the original Houdini did… including the straight jacket escape which I got to witness twice. He’s a lot of fun and very talented.
Syd Schultz is founder of COAP. He runs TAPS Boot Camp Classes and is the West Coast liaison for the TAPS’ east coast. Don’t let his “biker look” fool you, he’s a nice guy. Though he might make you get down and do 50 EVPs.
Who said the paranormal wasn’t funny? Looks like you had a great time and kept some, um…fine, hulk-like company.
I was surrounded by enormous bricks with legs… quite amusing. I just kept outta the way so I didn’t get mowed down inadvertently. LOL