Holy Shitaki Mushrooms, Batman! MOVING SUCKS!
I finally found all my essential computer components in time to upload Saturday’s cartoon.
Currently, I’m living in a sea of boxes filled with God knows what… YES, most of them are labeled… but they bury each other making location of important things next to impossible.
Next time I will have an assistant who will be assigned the tasks of move and organization. Then, I will go on vacation to Outer Mongolia to hang out with Yaks and drink mare’s milk in my coffee. Upon return, I will find my new digs set up perfectly… and I will head to the fridge for some COW half & half for my FRENCH PRESS coffee… ahhh.
Perfect scenario.
No ghosts yet in the new place… even though the previous owner kicked the bucket.
Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts, Put Mare’s Milk in your coffee when hangin’ in Mongolia.
She is alive and back to Drawing again YAAAY !
How did the move go ? Shoot me a call or email once your settled in
You’ll have to wait until I discover my roladex again… 😉