Bill Maher did a “New Rule” on his HBO show this weekend titled “Boo Jeans.” His comments questions about ghosts and clothes: Why do they have clothes? Why aren’t they naked? Did the clothes die, too? HBO posts New Rules on their website, but these are so new, it may not be up yet – If you check it out later, it’s the first “New Rule” from Friday night’s show. 🙂
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Bill Maher did a “New Rule” on his HBO show this weekend titled “Boo Jeans.” His comments questions about ghosts and clothes: Why do they have clothes? Why aren’t they naked? Did the clothes die, too? HBO posts New Rules on their website, but these are so new, it may not be up yet – If you check it out later, it’s the first “New Rule” from Friday night’s show. 🙂