Okay, I thought all the minor disasters were over with. Today, my plasma TV tanked it. It’s an older version, but that’s no excuse!
I could look at this as a big batch of negative energy moving through, demons, whatever… However, I’m going to try a different take on all of this.
Let’s begin with the closet collapse. This little event, while annoying, forced me to sort out my closet for better usability… something I really needed to do.
Now, the refrigerator freeze-up caused me to remind my landlord that we need a doorbell desperately. Today, I have a new doorbell that reminds me of the opening to that Paul McCartney song, “Let ’em In.” Cool.
The plasma disintegration will likely lead to us actually getting an HD TV in an LCD version which is more energy efficient. Meanwhile, I’ll use my little, portable flat-screen we bought for business purposes. At least we have that!
So, perhaps all this nonsense is leading to better things.
Now that’s top notch thinking!