I Enjoyed a fine discussion with Doug and Rita on The Haunted Truth last night. As well as chattin’ cartoons, we actually delved into the philosophical implications of the paranormal. Of course I love to just debunk existence. It’s a great way to negate responsibility! HA!
Yes, I’m kidding… But seriously folks, it becomes an interesting thought pattern when we address the fact that physical science has no business attempting to prove the metaphysical. It’s like using a screwdriver when you really need a socket wrench.
It all boils down to awareness… We are conscious beings and we are becoming aware of ourselves as spirits, not just bodies. So, do we really need to put all are eggs in the physical basket anymore? There comes a time when a flat earth just doesn’t make sense. Perhaps then we will pack our EMF detectors in mothballs and step out into a brave new world of whatever it is we are seeking to understand.
I would like to note that I’ve added a link to Doug Carnahan’s Xstreme Hauntings Live webcast of real-time ghost hunting. It’s something you should check out! http://www.xtremehauntingslive.com/
A-SORDID Announceables
🙂 JOSH GATES of Destination Truth is this month’s Guest Draw T-Shirt, Mug and Poster opportunity! This is a limited edition of his cartoon Guest Draw! Get yours today!
click here: http://www.cafepress.com/ERUGuestDraw
🙂 THURSDAY, August 19: Join me on Pair A Normal Guys blogtalk with Jason Pepper at 11pm EST (10pm CT, 9pm MT, 8pm PT). (Man… nothing like a late week nite! wooHOO!)
click here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/pairanormalguysinc-paranormal-talk-radio
🙂 AND! VOTE FOR PEDRO!… OR ME! for Haunted Hudson Valley’s Top Paranormal Celebrity! Yes, I have been nominated! So, now I need your votes! Vote here at http://www.hauntedhudsonvalley.net/awards
🙂 Get a copy of Entities-R-Us, Ghost Hunter Comic – Paranormal Humor for the Ghost Hunter’s Soul today!
Click here: http://tinyurl.com/erubook
Eat Cookies! Hunt Ghosts!