This  week I had the honor of being drawn into the comic strip A Fair Trade by Derek Egy. He’s been a friend on Facebook and probably Twitter for a while now. We decided to collaborate. I will be working on an Entities-R-Us version, so stay tuned for that.

A Fair Trade is a webcomic set in a coffee shop. It speaks of Seattle Chic Lattes and Gen X or is it Y or Z now? The author Derek Egy is an outdoors man who spends more time by the lake zenning out with nature and fish than in social contexts. At least that’s what Facebook indicates. However, he does crawl back to draw and paint some amazing cartoons. His work is so skilled, it makes mine look like sketches… which they are. I love sketching, so that’s what I do. But, I appreciate when someone puts the time into really good work.

So, please take a look at his comics. Enjoy!

Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts, Read Comics!


A Fair Trade – “Hell Sucks” by Derek Edgy