The next three cartoons deal with ghosts of Gettysburg, PA. This was probably one of the single most destructive battles in our nation’s history. Of course it’s full of ghosts… lots of lives passed in horrific fashion.

A war like that leaves a major imprint on the land. There is a lot of residual haunting evidence, as well as intelligent versions too. What is fascinating is that we tend to like to recreate the circumstance with live reenactments. Personally, I have not interest in “playing” war… However, some folks are quite reverent about it.

What about the spirit activity? These guys were living humans once. Perhaps they would like to reenact it again as well? Why not? So, what if the hauntings of Gettysburg are just a bunch of spiritual reenactors?

Now that’s an interesting concept!


BTW: classic comic mistake… I misspelled reenactor in the cartoon. Pays to get out the dictionary! Gotta own that one!