I was on bigorb.com, in the paranormal part, when I ran across this question. Of course, I found it quite amusing. And thus I’m ripping it off – okay, only my response though.

We always see ghosts with clothes on for the most part. We never hear of naked ghosts running amok through the village square. (Someone will write me an tell me otherwise… and I hope so, because I need to know these things!) 

Residual ghosts are just “replays” of a situation… these aren’t intelligent and never seem to get around to changing their attire or even thinking period. These guys are clothed (unless it’s a residual streaker…)

I suppose ghosts still maintain their personality and their life experience and thus retain the idea they need to be clothed, otherwise they might be quite embarrassed to appear naked in front of strangers or relatives.

However, Nudist ghosts are another story! I’m sure there are some investigators with alternative ideas that like to investigate haunted nudist beaches… At that point, we’d have to have investigation ratings… no longer PG, but X or XXX depending on the exhibition of the apparition.

Say, didn’t I do a cartoon about that?!
