Okay, so I impersonated Thor on the last radio stint… It’s been a standing joke with Patti of Walk In Darkness radio show that Thor shows up when I come on. Unfortunately, I’m a lousy impersonator… However! This show went well. I put out a bunch of valuable insight about ghost hunting. (It helps to have a glass of wine before I go on… HA! – Let me clarify, that Thor was the only drunken fool on board.)
My IndyPara co-founder Donna Parish-Bischoff joined me on this one. She’s a darned smart paranormaller. We discussed our various cases, our latest filmed events, and what’s in the works. I also talked comics and what’s up with Entities.
Check out the podcast: http://blogtalk.vo.llnwd.net/o23/show/3/180/show_3180719.mp3
GHOST STORY – Biography Channel
Friday I went of another filming of Ghost Story. This time we did the Patchett House. Our teammates Nathan Schoonover and Dani Martinez were the storytellers for this one. The cool thing about the Patchett is it was once a funeral home. The embalming sinks are still in the basement. I had the brilliant idea of using fake blood to simulate the sinks’ use. Fortunately the camera guy had some in his car. I volunteered to be the cadaver hand model. This is the result!

I pose as a cadaver on the embalming sinks at the Patchett House in Montgomery, NY for the fiming of "My Ghost Story" - Biography Channel. - photo by Donna Parish-Bischoff

Terri J. Garofalo and Nathan Schoonover wait for the next scene at the filming of "A Ghost Story." -photo by Donna Parish-Bischoff
We had a great time. I ran my recorder, so I will scan for EVPs at some point. I will post more of our picts and the account on IndyPara.com
Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts!