Shanley Hotel - Napanoch, NY

Today’s comic has Thor hanging at the Shanley Hotel in Napanoch, NY.

If you want to stay at a haunted hotel or investigate one, this is the REAL DEAL! I’ve been here. It’s loaded with an assortment of spirits, many who just love to chat with investigators.

Ghost Lab and the Klinge brothers did an episode at the Shanley this season. They managed to capture Mr. Shanley himself apparently. Brad even saw a dark shadow in the same place I did.

If you want to check out some Shanley evidence, take a click on the Paranormal Evidence page and hit the Shanley. There is an apparition photo, EVPs (THERE WILL BE EVPS – I FORGOT TO LOAD ‘EM), as well as an account of personal experiences we had there.

Many paranormal events are held here so take you pick or just make a reservation for a night of spirited fun!

Check it out:

Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts!


Btw… I don’t remember posting the angry face on yesterday’s blog post… How it got there, I don’t know. Either there’s a dead spot in my brain, or it’s paranormal… or demonic!