Hardly the California Dreaming I’d like to be doing… I managed to conjure up a real wacko dream last night. I found myself climbing into the passenger seat of my “Destination Truth Vehicle”, noticing there was a young Komodo dragon on my floor mat. I proceeded to kick it out of the car. Yes, I was nervous about getting bit, but I nudged it along anyway. The darned thing took off into the bushes. I continued to watch out for it.

WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN? Dreams often have definable meanings to them. So, this mornin’ I busily set about freaking out Google for answers.

Aside from the obvious of signing up for Destination Truth – SyFy, the dragon has much meaning in many spiritual mansions.

Dragons are symbolic of wisdom. They guard treasure. They freak people out. They burn the pants off those who get too close… I swat at bees (gently of course, don’t want to injure them), so why not kick a dragon?!

This interpretation I picked off of “Dream Dictionary and Interpretation” http://www.experienceproject :

“To dream of a dragon, denotes that you allow yourself to be governed by your passions, and that you are likely to place yourself in the power of your enemies through those outbursts of sardonic tendencies. You should be warned by this dream to cultivate self-control. [57] See Devil.”

SWEET! ….  Of course, I do cultivate self-control as my patience can run a little thin at times.

Dragon Articles from http://www.cdot.org/history/dragon_articles.htm says this:

“The Chinese Dragon, or Lung , symbolizes power and excellence, valiance and boldness, heroism and perseverance, nobility and divinity. A dragon overcomes obstacles until success is his. He is energetic, decisive, optimistic, intelligent and ambitious. 

Unlike the the negative energies associated with Western Dragons, most Eastern Dragons are beautiful, friendly, and wise. They are the angels of the Orient. Instead of being hated, they are loved and worshipped. Temples and shrines have been built to honor them, for they control the rain, rivers, lakes, and seas.”

This makes more sense… Ironically, I was wrestling with the word “courage” last night. The daunting task of bringing this comic strip to the next level (writing press releases, kits etc… major promo plans, plus new ideas in the works – a hot bed of insanity for me) has left me a little drained. Realizing I need to be courageous and move forward with this all; so, my higher self dropped in this dream for encouragement.

Perhaps I should not kick dragon, but embrace it? Interesting concept. I guess I need to buy a bunch of chickens and brandy to feed it. Too bad I live in a wooden house!

Now that you’ve had insight into my sorry head, please don’t run away. I am virtually harmless… most of the time. 😉 It’s definitely interesting to work out one’s personal issues on a public blog. Sheesh!

Anyone else have some interesting dreams to share?

Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts, Dream Well!



You may want to bring that up Thursday when I join Paranormal Underground with Karen Frasier on z-radio Thursday, Sept 2nd from 9pm-11pmEST (8pmCT, 7pmMT, 6pm PT): http://ztalkradio.com/2010/03/19/paranormal-underground/.


Yes, I am still looking for fan page submissions. It’s started to trickle in. Make sure your drawings make the page! I will update it periodically.

Also, I am looking for ghost stories! Do you have a paranormal experience you want to talk about? Send it in and I’ll post it.

I reserve the right to edit where appropriate. This is a family program so I won’t post dirty pictures, etc…


You can still vote for me for Haunted Hudson Valley’s Top Paranormal Celebrity! Make your comic strip proud! http://www.hauntedhudsonvalley.net/awards

Oddly Paranormal on Para-X with Tinner

I’m joining my good nutty buddy Tinner on para-x for Oddly Paranormal, Sat., Sept 4 at 10pm: http://www.para-x.com/oddly.html


THIS IS THE LAST COUPLE OF WEEK THAT YOU CAN GET A JOSH GATES GUEST DRAW MUG, T-SHIRT and POSTER.The Guest Draw series are limited editions. The 15th it switches to Dustin Pari.

Check it out today! http://www.cafepress.com/ERUGuestDraw


AND, for those who’ve been asking who don’t want to click on the STORE the Entities-R-Us Book, Paranormal Humor for the Ghost Hunter’s Soul can be had here: http://tinyurl.com/erubook