Confused yet? This cartoon will make you think… The punchline is in the middle, but you might not get it until you get to the end of the comic. Ingenious? Nah, probably insane. This is what happens when I open the trapdoor to the idea loft and way too much fall out.

Harvest Moon Paranormal is the Guest Draw today. This is technically part of the Houghton Mansion series which will wrap up this week ending with the Guest Draw Raffle winner, Robin Benway (unless she freaks out at what I’ve drawn… 😉 ) Kim and Angel Huertes who hosted the Harvest Moon Paracon at the Mansion in North Adams Massachusetts are a Guest Draw today. They were responsible for handing out all the Walkie Talkies that freaked me out on investigation. That’s what happens when you give those things to talkative people! LOL Actually, it was just fine. The investigations were well run and fruitful.

I would like to thank them for inviting me. I’m looking forward to next year.

Haunted Hudson Valley

Last night I had the pleasure of meeting Laura from Haunted Hudson Valley. We staked out the local Dunkin Donuts to exchange paranormal thoughts and talk about HHV’s upcoming contest.

I’ve donated a book to add to the mix of prizes. So, you might want to enter – there will be a lot of cool stuff and it will be a haunting good time! Also, check out their website. It has some interesting information on various haunts of the Hudson Valley region.

click here:

Tomorrow, more EVPs!

Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts!




Time is running out for this month’s The Ghost Adventures Guest Draw! So, if you are interested in improving your wardrobe or making your coffee snort through your nose on  cup per cup basis, place an order!

Click here:

I will extend this one one week into July as I began this in the middle of the month (requested by a fan).

Entities-R-Us, Ghost Hunter Comic –
Paranormal Humor for the Ghost Hunter’s Soul

It’s your chance to own a copy of Entities-R-Us comics in the physical!

Find it on CreateSpace click here: or you can hunt the jungles of (search Entities-R-Us, Ghost Hunter Comic