I apologize as I was a bit lax on uploading comics… so today’s was late! oops. 😉 If I would just get out of my head for a bit, that would clear up.

Sunday will spell the end of the Queen City Paracon/Cincinnati Music Hall  comics. We will end with the Guest Draw Raffle Winner Tony McClure. Tony has graciously allowed me to abuse him comic-wise.

Stay tuned for some interesting updates to this website. I will be offering signed prints. And, I am hoping to put together an opportunity for paranormal groups that will promo them in conjunction with Entities… So, keep it in mind folks!

Also, If you didn’t catch 30-Odd Minutes this Tuesday, you missed the drawing I did of the crew! Sarah alerted me via Twitter. I, of course, missed it as it wasn’t on the DVR menu. I never seem to watch anything at the regularly scheduled time.

I’m hoping to put up some evidence from the Harvest Moon Paracon investigations. We did a graveyard the night before and the Houghton Mansion afterwards. AND, I will be running a cartoon series based on my experiences there. While I won’t get into a load of Guest Draws, there might be a few smatterings throughout, so look for the stars… though it seems Merv is becoming quite famous these days. He’s got a stalker… soon to be appearing in an upcoming Guest Draw!

Also, keep watch for Guest Draws of one Rex Williams, the medic from Destination Truth; The cast of Ghost Adventures – Zak Bagans, Nick Groff and Aaron Goodwin; and Steve Gonslaves and Dave Tango from Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters Academy. These are all in the works.

And! I would like to throw yet another shout-0ut to Andre Frattino’s graphic novel, Flagler’s Few and the Reaper of Saint George Street. I purchased this recently and have read the gauntlet and disc0vered that I REALLY NEED TO READ THE NEXT ONE! So, get yours today! arfstudios.net

"Flagler's Few" sets in the place of honor next to the Lava Lamp which is giving a thumbs up... or at least a rude hand gesture.

Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts!
