Nathan just laid a comment down insinuating that Merv is demonic. After my hearty laugh, I figured I’d flesh out the idea.

Merv is likely the most annoying person in Vera’s comic existence. He thwarts her with practical jokes and pointed comments, so it is likely she considers him evil. Therefore, her salt circle would keep him out.

The idea behind the salt circle is a barrier to protect those inside from negative energy. I seriously doubt salt in an of itself creates the barrier. I think the barrier is a psychic manifestation of the ‘salter’. The belief system of the ‘salter’ allows salt to act as a wall. Basically, if the belief system considered jello a formidable fortress, then that would work as well.

This works into that amazing theory, truth to some put forth by Napoleon Hill, “what we think about, we bring about.” One can apply this to everything we look at. Suddenly the complex world gets really simple.

So, if Vera’s belief that salt works in regards to “Merv deflection” then it will. But, there also is an agreement with Merv that the possibility of not being able to cross the salt is in his subconscious. If Merv’s belief in the ability to cross was greater than Vera’s (say she’s experiencing some doubt), he’d be able to cross. What if they are equal in their beliefs? Perhaps Merv would consider it a waste of time and not bother to cross or Vera wouldn’t have drawn up the circle… Perhaps Merv’s cell phone rings! Or, I just don’t know the answer to that one.

Anyhow… that’s some food for thought. Don’t hurt yourselves! LOL
