Today’s cartoon was inspired by the opening show of SyFy’s Ghost Hunters. TAPS discovery of a human spirit posing as an inhuman one amused me to no end… well, actually to the end of creating a couple of comics.
According to Grant and Jason, an inhuman spirit can use energy in ways powerful enough to throw furniture and people around. Which leads me to believe I don’t care to cozy up to anything inhuman. Humans cause enuff trouble as it is, so I can’t imagine hanging out with worse.Â
The spirit in question was not that potent and was merely trying to appear as a paranormal “tough” in order to scare the family off their rennovations. Obviously, the redecorating offended its “Martha Stewart” tendencies.
I imagine most hauntings fall in this category. The entities involved do not like their new house guests and go to great lengths to freak them out. As scary as they get, they will most likely back down if you holler out, “CUT IT OUT OR I’LL SHOVE IT UP YOUR PARANORMAL A–!!!!”
At least, I imagine that might work. One would have to experiment on the best threat for the occasion.
This all is great fodder for more ghostly humor, of course. Check out tomorrow’s comic… it’s even funnier.
Eat Cookies! Hunt Ghosts!