I finally had a chance to go through some of the evidence collected from the investigation on my former home. I’m now using some cool EVP software, AVS Audio Editor, that made the job much easier… also, I dug out a pair of headphones so I wouldn’t rile up my parrots.

Check these out at the bottom of the Paranormal Evidence Page. A few of them were unidentifiable, I’ve only included two of these. One has a breath that wasn’t an investigators. Others are the knocks we heard in responses to questions. It was nice to find out that the John Cook haunting my bedroom was the one that would emit pipe smoke occasionally.

The most significant EVP was one that says the name, Elizabeth, twice! Elizabeth Yanker was the former owner I suspected was haunting the place. I’m not sure this is her voice or someone that knows her. It seems male to me. I’m assuming this was the same one who responded a “yes” knock to whether they were angry I sold Mrs. Yanker’s old gun…

The last one is really a spoof… it was the stomach growl of one of our investigators. Yes, this was the inspiration for the stomach growl cartoon.

Listen up and enjoy!


P.S. I still have the barn evidence to go through. We’ll see if that yields anything.