Yes, those who are faithful, all three of you, must have noticed that the same comic strip repeated itself… That’s because SOMEBODY, we won’t name names, forgot to upload a whole new batch of cartoons. So, in my desperation, I uploaded the Case File of Acmeville Horror. That should keep you busy.
I tell you, this moving thing is really getting in the way of productivity and creativity… I’ve shown the house twice in less than two days to rave reviews – a good sign considering the economy. I will say, I’m a firm believer that the state of the ‘economy’ is all in everyone’s minds. It’s not in my mind, so therefore, it doesn’t mean doodley squat to me. Thus, I will sell my house and the worry-wart down the street in the fancy McMansion will not.
It’s the Law of Attraction and the Power of Intention that make things roll. I intend to sell and sell I shall.
Okay, off the soap box… Let’s just have fun and Eat Cookies!
Oh, and enjoy the Acmeville Horror, it’s a little lame, but I like it that way -quaint comics.