Yup. Survived the dreaded garage sale. Though I got rid of a lot of stuff, I still wound up with a neighbor’s lava lamp… HOW DO THESE THINGS HAPPEN?! I have to be careful what I manifest in my life… Some time ago I thought it would be amusing to have one of these devices. Now, I’ve got one. I’m supposed to sell it, but there were no takers of course. Instead, it wound up plugged in and snickered over a glass of wine with my co-conspirator, Sue.

Sue, helpful sort she is, decided to burn all the baskets that would not sell… and even sparked a purchase from a customer who was horrified that we were about to burn the “wooden cow” that had been lurking in my wood bin for over a decade. There is no accounting what people will do  for a “sacred cow”…

That very cow made me a dollar richer.

Alas, it’s back to cartooning. I should have more fodder since I actually sold the old lady’s gun (the old lady who haunts my house). She was quite upset and active when it had first gone missing. We had a lot of closet rummaging sounds going on until the gun was returned to the property after we had moved in. She settled down after that. Now I’ve up and sold it. It should be an interesting few weeks… I don’t think she’s noticed yet, or I’m just sleeping really well.

I’ll keep ya updated. Eat Cookies!
