Getting addicted.You could do a lot with Brian H. but who would want to watch him! Did you see the one where they found a satanic symbol on top of a box in the bedroom of a woman who said no one in the family “dabbled”? There’s a lot of material there! My friend started a Pawling news website with some other folks…maybe you could get something for Rhinebeck and do some Rhinebeck cartoons to get them out there.You’re good!
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Getting addicted.You could do a lot with Brian H. but who would want to watch him! Did you see the one where they found a satanic symbol on top of a box in the bedroom of a woman who said no one in the family “dabbled”? There’s a lot of material there! My friend started a Pawling news website with some other folks…maybe you could get something for Rhinebeck and do some Rhinebeck cartoons to get them out there.You’re good!