I finally secured it going in through the back door. An intern for Ghost Adventures discovered Entities-R-Us and stuck it under Zak’s nose. I met the alleged (he is legit, I just like the word alleged)Â intern on Para411 blogtalk and managed to secure a Guest Draw. It is up on Sunday, so stay tuned!
Also: Don’t miss the new episodes of Destination Truth on SyFy – Josh & Crew are BACK!
And: I would like to thank all those folks on Twitter that have been tirelessly re-tweeting on Twitter and FB-ing on Facebook, etc. for the sake of this comic strip! Getting the word out is the name of the “shameless marketing” game! The cartoon is worth the effort! Thanks again! AND, I want to thank all of you who are carrying the Entities book on their websites. Entities is yet another step closer to supporting itself financially!
AND: If any of you have been having RSS feed problems, let me know. e-me at terri@entities-r-us.com
Thanks! Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts & Enjoy!