Again I’m delving into my Latin leanings… Yes, I translated the Aeneid in high school Latin Class… and this comic has the opening line. I googled it yesterday for spelling purposes, but I never forgot what it was and what it meant. AMAZING! Especially since I couldn’t remember where I put my keys yesterday.

I’ll brief in a short tale of Roman competition between my friend Mary and I over how much ahead we could get in translation of Archias. Even though I nearly flunked Latin grammar, I was a whiz at translation. So, I got ahead by 9 chapters in one homework session. My competitive friend was LIVID! I got to kick back in class and watch the rest of ’em scramble because I pulled a “Hermione Granger” having done all the work ahead of time.

I wasn’t always a goody honor student, only if I felt like it. Nice to know I can pull it off when I need to. It’s precisely this drive that gets you a fresh comic every day. So, enjoy it! I’m glad to make use of my driven nature… at least so I can kick back after a bout of work-a-holism.


PS: I didn’t google the Archias spelling, so if it’s wrong, too bad.