Those of you who are diehard Entities-R-Us fans will remember the first photo comics I did during the Fourth of July Holiday two years ago… I think? You can backtrack on the archives to discover these.
I was spawned by creatures of habit (Hobbits) who migrate annually on the Fourth to a family lake house. We’ve been doing this since…. oh, long before I was born. I was told it was because it was my Great Grandmother’s birthday. However, I’m sure it was ongoing long before that.
While our lake house venue has changed since the days of Lake Massapoag in Massachusetts, we still gather, now on Lake Skatutekee in New Hampshire, barbecue and share the years news, now from various corners of the country we have separated to.
Since I’m a photo hound, I will take a load of photos which I will definitely turn into some sea monster comics. I find this is a great way to torture my character Arno. So, keep a look out! Tomorrow it begins!
There is no better place to dream up comics than at the lake!