Howdy folks! I’ve been caught up in holiday madness, work and reestablishing my computer situation. I’ve enjoyed a productive week having witnessed the launch of the website I designed for work. That was a long time coming… The design, negotiation and coordination with coworkers, the bosses and web developer were exhausting, but well worth it. We now have a website that is both functional and awesome.
Take a look! AND, if you have any tool fanatics on your Christmas list, this is where you need to go! Innovative Products of America makes original tools, most are made in America.
As you can see, I’ve been interspersing color comics with the new “napkin comics.” These are infinitely quicker to draw and will allow me to continue as a daily comic. Also, my ideas come fast and furious when I go simple. So, look forward to a gaggle of great gags. I will save the color for story lines… or more involved jokes. One day I may be able to make a living doing comics and therefore, be able to devote full time attention to them again.
I’m thankful you are patient with my experiments. I’m not shy about trying new things in public… sink or swim, it’s more interesting than being the same old thing all the time.
I do not know where I’m going with all of this, but the journey is fun.
Eat Cookies… and leftover turkey, Hunt Ghosts!