The entire American Idol contestant batch has vacated the schmancy Bel Aire mansion they occupied, because someone ELSE is already in there. Rumors of a haunting have been dropped since 2009 when Allison Iraheta complained of a presence in her room. They referred to the entity as “Phyllis”. It appears to be a female and tends to pester the women more. Allison heard growls in her room where the entity appeared to hang out most of the time. Other contestants saw a white shadow flitting about. (Hanrahan, 2011)

This season the spirit seems to be exceptionally active. Reports of lights flickering, spider infestations and finally a sheet floating down an apparently empty hallway (except for the sheet). This latter must have been the last straw. The group asked to be moved from the palatial estate. (Reality, 2011)

Personally, I feel some of it might just be the nature of a poorly built McMansion. The roof has been leaking. Flickering lights could be poor electrical installation. The bed sheet? Well, let’s just say Ghost Thor of Entities-R-Us has discovered the wonders of television and is now addicted to American Idol… and Dancing with the Stars. There’s no accounting for ghostly tastes in programming… We may see a cartoon about it this week! hint, hint…

Zak Bagan of Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures wants to investigate. His group has contacted American Idol in hopes to checking out the situation. Zak of course is hyping it up by saying this haunting could be “possibly demonic.” I’m looking forward to this investigation, especially if they include some of the contestants! (Gather, 2011)

The question remains, is the ghost attached to the mansion property or is it attached to American Idol?

We shall see! I still thing Thor is running amok.


Gather, Entertainment. (3/27/2011). American Idol House Haunted – Now Ghost Adventures Wants to Investigate.

Reality TV World. (3/24/2011). American Idol Finalists reportedly move due to haunted mansion.

Hanraran, Katherine. (325/2011) Idol House Reported Haunted.