I went through a TON of photos from the paracon investigation of the Cincinnati Music Hall. NONE of ’em are conclusive evidence. Though I have one that is suggestive as I was able to tie it to personal experience. However, it is so faint it’s just toast. ANYWAY, they are certainly interesting. It’s a great lesson in evidence contamination for sure. There were too many investigators and too little organization to be able to count much.
When in doubt, throw it out. But, I don’t like to just chuck things. I think you need to see why I tossed it. I will say this, as an artist, it’s very easy to see something that is not there. My makeup is such that I see various forms in shapes and matter most people would not. So, it’s easy to matrix something (create something with the eyes that is not there). It is for this reason, I am not a fan of going through visual evidence. Because I’m more visual, I’m actually better at audio evidence. Yes, that sounds strange, but keep in mind, too much knowledge is not a good thing in some cases.

This is the South Hall. There is nothing paranormal here, it's just a great pict; gives you a scope of the place.

Check out the "apparitions" of investigators as they climb down the seats. Another photo proved these were living.

My investigation partner, Kat, said she saw a conductor walking up to the podium. I think I found the living culprit.

Look in the theater seats on left, half way up there seems to be image of person sitting there. I'm probably matrixing a face and body. However, I saw it with my eyes and called it out. Whether this is what I saw, I don't know. It's not evidence by a stretch, but curious to me.

This odd light appeared on the wall between shots. It must be someone else's camera. Interesting to note what ELSE could effect investigations.

Brad Klinge goes off on a rampage to remove all theater seats (front row left). Talk about provoking!
This next photo is DUST! There was LOADS OF DUST all throughout this investigation.
This is a good lesson in debunking!