I’m finally finished with the Shanley Hotel Investigation series with Kentucky Paranormal. Those cartoons will carry through Saturday. It was a good run for sure! The investigation of the place itself was fascinating. There was so much history and so much activity there that it warrants another round of cartoons. Those will have to wait.
Now it will be back to regular business on Entities-R-Us. Ouija Nite will return next Thursday in its usual slot. AND, THIS SUNDAY FEATURES A NEW GUEST DRAW! Kris Williams of Ghost Hunters TV show has agreed to be cartooned into an episode of Entities. While I don’t abuse folks like South Park, her character is put through the comedic wringer…
Also, I’m working on one with Amy Bruni of Ghost Hunters. Once that completes itself and she approves, it will run as well. Much more is in the works! Stay tuned!
Eat Cookies, Hunt Ghosts!
ha ha ha ha very made, the fat bald saids †what is it! what is it!â€, this and his stupid partner do a fool theirselves and running away like fools, comedic wringer? ha ha ha ha ha kris and her friend are cute south park cartooned and perform like crazy ghotic women. ha ha ha ha ha good episode, and good michael jackson performance thanks to billy mayze for the chipotle away chipotle