Isn’t the Ouija board sort of like playing hangman? Except, the spirits put in the letters and you have to sort them out.
The concept of Ouija Nite came from one of the first Sunday color comics I did. You can find it in the archives. It was so funny, I decided Ouija Nite had to have a starring role in Entities-R-Us. As ghost hunter’s night out, it is entertainment for the crew. Erna, of course, does not participate. She knows all too well the ramifications of fooling with the Ouija. The guys, however, are reckless – much like reckless barflys.
I chose Thursday as their day out after my own college days when we would hit dollar beer night at J.P.’s in Hartford, Ct. Alas, my reckless youth… (I tend to operate with an amount of caution though – so I kept safe – there is an Erna in there somewhere.)
Again, I stress, don’t play with Ouija Boards. These can be quite dangerous. Take a clue from the Entities crew and the mishaps they encounter… it is possible to experience far worse than a bout of “hangman”.
Meanwhile, Enjoy a good laugh and a hearty snicker.