Took a little time off to head to Barnes and Noble for casual book hunting, cartoon idea writing and molten java. While on my wanderings I discovered Wayne Dyer’s Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life – Living the Wisdom of the Tao was in the discount rack! I’ve never encountered his books in discount land – ever.
This just goes to show that he’s finally written a book that exceeds the general consciousness of the masses… granted he’s been close before, but now he’s really done it.
I, of course, snatched up this treasure for myself. I’ve read the Tao – 1 verse every four days for a year. This time, I can get his perspective, since he has the time and the wherewithal to immerse himself in it and record his findings for the rest of us busybodies in hopes that it might do some good and calm us all down.
I suggest everyone hit B&N for a fabulous deal if you haven’t done so already. Self improvement is a good thing.
Eat cookies!